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SureCall vs weBoost.

Sep 05, 2016

SureCall vs weBoost.

SureCall and weBoost signal boosters have revolutionized communication as we know it today, both for voice and data. Both are 3rd party signal booster companies. Even in their similarity they have some definite uniqueness. weBoost has been an industry leader, but SureCall is catching up fast with lower cost yet more effective signal boosters as proven by 3rd parties.


It was founded back in 2001 with headquarters in Silicon Valley, California. The company has been a leader in cell phone signal boosters, blending top-notch tech with very creative designs. It has been creating award-winning range of boosters instrumental in modern enhancement of cellular reception. Its products are similar to weBoost products - they enhance cellular reception effectively.

SureCall won the CE Pro BEST 2015 Award, the Technology Integrator EXC!TE 2015 Award, including being named the Best Commercial Integrator of 2015, Best Technology Integrator and the Best Commercial Integrator 2014. Over the years, SureCall has continued to offer highly innovative products made in China. They address the ever changing requirements for all kinds of mobile and cellular broadband usage. All its products are covered by a thirty-day money back guarantee and three-year warranty.


It is a new brand chosen by Wilson Electronics very recently. However, Wilson Electronics’ journey started about 40 years ago as the company started offering industrial strength types of antennas for first responders and cross-country vehicles. Through the weBoost technology, now both mono-directional and omni-directional antennas are powered to amplify and find signals most mainstream antennas could not.

weBoost Characteristics.

Automatic signal adjustments: Each of the weBoost booster has SmartBoost included, a unique system of proprietary software and onboard microprocessors that senses cellular surroundings intelligently to adjust a signal for maximum performance.

Diverse signal range: weBoost is known for its ability to support diverse network and carrier ranges. Its high quality boosters have the ability to read assorted bands with the 700 MHz and 2100 MHz bands configured for various variants such as OFGMA, TDMA, FDMA, HSPA+, LTE, CDMA and GSM.

Multiple user support: weBoost ensures anyone within the range gets their devices boosted immediately. There’s no need to check the carriers required or network logging.

Plug and Play: Devices provided by weBoost adjust automatically providing the best possible signal strength and doesn’t have to be touched over and over again to work.

Battery life extension: Through weBoost devices, the phone won’t be using its battery power to search for a signal while hopping from one tower to the next or roaming diverse networks.

Recurring fees absent: Once you have bought a weBoost amplifier it is all you require to use for life. There are no monthly or subscription carrier charges involved.

weBoost cell phone boosters.

weBoost offers cell phone boosters for those often on the road where losing a signal is almost assured. Through its amplifiers, the phone will remain connected even in uttermost areas, covering boats, RVs, trucks to cars. They include:

Multi-user wireless boosters such as Drive 4G-X, Drive 4G-X OTR Truck Edition, Drive 4G-M and RV 4G. Single user wireless boosters include Drive 4G-S Sleek 4G and OTR version for vehicles.

Home and Office Cell Phone Boosters.

weBoost offers office and home cell phone signal boosters to enhance coverage even in areas obstructed by buildings, trees and building materials or areas not favored by geography. The signal boosters include multi-user wireless boosters such as Connect 4G-X (471104), Connect 4G (470103), Home 4G (470101) and commercial grade Wilson Pro 70 series.

weBoost amplifying devices claim to boost signal for cell phones thirty two times for clear call quality, including fastest 4G LTE speeds in areas that have weak coverage. The signal provider is not really important since all of them are amplified. The weBoost signal boosters are also highly trusted across the divide and vastly used by law enforcement, rescue teams, business professionals and homeowners. By availing the cell phone signal booster readily available, getting in touch becomes easy considering weBoost products claim to work on any network with all North American carriers.

M2M weBoost devices.

With machines communicating back and forth virtually all the time daily, maintaining the connection under all the conditions and in any kind of weather is highly important. Some of the wireless and M2M signal booster solutions from weBoost include Security 4G, Signal 3G and Signal 4G.

SureCall Characteristics.

SureCall claims to combine innovation and quality technology to create high quality cellular signal boosters to meet the needs of machine to machine (M2M) applications, in-building, home and mobile applications. The cost versus value ratio’s very high in favour of the value you receive from SureCall.

All carriers covered: SureCall claims its boosters deliver a consistent and clear signal for all the North American carriers across the divide in all devices.

Superior tech: Compared to all its competitors, SureCall claims to offer superior technology without cutting corners. In the process, best parts are extensively used in all the boosters for absolute seamless performance.

Leader in innovation: SureCall has been providing boosting technology since 2001 and has not stopped creating innovative boosts to meet the needs of changing cellular requirements of all users across the divide. A classic example’s their all-in-one signal booster Force 7 (industrial booster) and Fusion 7 (consumer booster). Another example is its Remote Monitoring Service that automatically alerts by email if boosting system is experiencing a problem.

Lasting reliability: Signal booster’s durability in the long term is highly dependent on heat dissipation. The gold standard SureCall design, as well as top production practices, guarantees a performance that is highly reliable.

Automated adjustment: SureCall boosters have the user in mind through automatic adjustment that simplifies the installation process while optimizing the performance of the booster automatically.

Manual adjustment: In case a customized approach is exactly what you prefer, there’re options for ensuring manual gain kind of adjustment is accomplished.

SureCall signal booster solutions.

SureCall offers cell phone signal booster options for RVs, Trucks and Cars such as Fusion2Go (4G, LTE, 3G and 2G), N-Range, FusionTrek, Fusion2GO-RV for 2G, 3G, LTE and 4G, Flex2Go for 2G and 3G as well as Flex2Go-RV for 2G and 3G networks.

For businesses, SureCall offers different cellular signal coverage solutions such as the Fusion 5X for 2G, 3G, LTE and 4G, Force 5 for 2G, 3G, LTE and 4G and Fusion5s for 2G, 3G, LTE and 4G.

For industrial uses, SureCall offers a range of signal boosters for industrial applications such as Force 5 Industrial for 2G, 3G and 4G networks, Force-7 Industrial for 2G, 4G LTE and 3G, Tri-Band Bi-Directional Guardian 3 QR for public service bandwidths, and the previous generation 2G / 3G DualForce Industrial cellular booster.

As one of the few signal booster companies with a machine to machine applications signal booster category, SureCall offers a number of choices. This includes signal boosters for such applications as lotto kiosks, ATMs, vehicle telematics, digital signage, auto fleet commercial monitoring, remote monitoring and digital signage.

SureCall M2M products are simple to set up and work seamlessly with other machine to machine devices, laptops and modems. SureCall’s M2M signal booster for cell phone signal includes SureCall 4G LTE M2M and SureCall 2G/3G M2M.

Note that the outside temperature range within which signal boosters from SureCall work is between -20 C and +70 C (between -4F and 150F).


While weBoost was formed from an older, more experienced company called Wilson Electronics, the newer company SureCall is making a strong headway in the market with very effective solutions at a slightly lower price-point. While weBoost still has a larger marketshare due to its and its parent company's (Wilson Electronics) brand popularity due to an earlier headstart it had, SureCall's marketshare is increasing in leaps and bounds.

The reason for SureCall's increase in popularity can be attributed to its device superiority and its out-of-the-box signal enhancing technology innovations such as seen in the new SureCall Fusion2Go 3.0 which outperforms its counterpart weBoost Drive 4G-X, according to third party test results.

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  • I bought a WeBoost for the Upper Peninsula of Michigan RV travel. I have had it for over 4 years. I have not seen much, or even any improvement. It constantly flashes all red bars, and troubleshooting said receiver was too close to inside transmitter. It’s an RV…I added over 20’ of cable but no improvement. I wish I could send it back and try another one or different brand.

    Edward L Ware on
  • This write-up provided much more information than I needed to know about SureCall and WeBoost. It was good to see that both companies are solid electronics firms and neither are fly-by-nights selling junk cell boosters. I think it makes good business sense to know about a company’s history when you’re investing in one of their products.

    Helena Stone on
  • Wilson tells me WeBoost will not work on Sprint Spark 2.4 ghz LTE. SureCall says theirs does.

    Charles Land on
  • SureCall and WeBoost seem to be the major players in the cell phone booster game. If there were rap battles, you might see HiBoost vs. WeBoost, Solidrf vs. WeBoost, SureCall vs. Wilson Electronics , Smoothtalker vs. WeBoost, or Solidrf vs. WeBoost (and actually some of these names could be those of rappers). You’re going to see a lot of SureCall booster reviews because SureCall is such a player, but don’t forget about WeBoost. As the blog mentions, there are some excellent features with SureCall and WeBoost so make sure you do your research before buying one. Cell phone boosters can be a great asset to your home, car, or office, but you want to make sure you have the right fit for your needs.

    Petrov Alexander on
  • Nice history of these two companies. I’ve heard a lot about cell phone boosters, but wasn’t sure who the big players were. I also didn’t know that there were differences between surecall and weboost in how they make cell phone signals stronger. I’m always happy with the things I find in these blogs. I’ve learned so much about cell phone boosters and how they make your cell phone work better with strong signals.

    Jerry Goldstein on
  • This was interesting because of the discussion about heat dissipation. People don’t realize how important heat dissipation can be for their devices, whether it’s an Xbox, a PC, or a cellular signal booster. You’re looking how to increase your cell phone signal strength but you don’t want your device to wear out. That’s why it’s good to know the manufacturers are taking care of this important area.

    Vince Miller on

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