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WilsonPro 4000 & 4000R Wall & Rack Mount Booster Interface Review

Sep 28, 2017

Today, let us review interface of WilsonPro 4000 Wall Mount (460223) & 4000R Rack Mount (460231) Professional Cell Phone Signal Booster Kits for Commercial Applications. Pro4000 & Pro4000r interfaces are exactly the same while their appearances are totally different. Insides of these 2 WilsonPro cellular amplifiers are the same too, while their external appearances are totally different because one is designed to be mounted on IT server racks (PRO-4000R) whereas the other can be bolted onto the floor, wall, or even ceiling (PRO-4000). Watch the video below for a great illustration of their similar user interface.


Transcript: With the best-in-class performance of the Wilson Pro 4000 and 4000R cellular amplifiers, we have included an intuitive yet powerful information center to let the integrator or installer get the most out of their system. I will show you how to use the interface so you can take full advantage of what these amplifiers have to offer. Both the Pro 4000 and 4000R feature the same interface.

Using a color LCD screen and button pad when you first boot up the amplifier, you will see the status screen consisting of a four by five matrix. On the left of the screen, you will see the antenna ports, and along the top, each frequency band. Each circle is a status indication. Green means everything is working properly. With a green circle, you're either running at full gain or the gain has been reduced by AGC.

A yellow circle indicates an oscillation issue. The amplifier will reduce its gain to deal with the oscillation and tell you it has done so. With a yellow indicator, a red circle means that that particular antenna port has shut off. Selecting any port and band and pressing enter will display more information on that band.

On the right side of the screen, you will see the amount of gain being applied. The screen will either display full gain or in the case it has cut back gain due to oscillation or overpowering, it will display AGC and the amount of gain it is currently using. On the left of the screen, you will see real-time signal meters for the uplink power from any handsets being used within the building, and downlink power from the tower. The downlink meter is particularly useful as you can use this to tune an antenna exactly where you want it.

For best performance, have one installer on the roof adjusting the antenna or a second installer watches the meter and relays the information, all without the need for extra equipment. Pressing menu again will take you back to the status screen. In the event that you aren't using all the available ports on the amplifier, you can shut off any of the unused ports easily. Simply navigate to the unused port and press Enter. This will disable the port to alleviate any possible issues.

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  • Nice! So both these signal boosters do the same thing, but they’re designed for a different set-up depending on what your particular needs are in terms of space, etc.

    Connie Bolton on
  • This looks very user-friendly, particularly for a commercial model. I’m looking for the Wilson Pro 4000r rack-mounted signal booster’s price. Could someone give me an idea on the price range? Wilson really seems to be making things easy for someone that needs a Wilson Pro 70 50 ohm commercial signal booster kit 465134 for their business. More businesses are waking up to the fact they need strong cell phone signals in their workplace because cell phones are just as important as landlines (and can do much more). Good Wilson Pro 4000R review and I’m looking to some case studies. I see a lot of case studies here concerning cell phone boosters so please post some.

    Gary Schneider on
  • These videos look helpful for anyone who buys these different devices. I know there are a lot of people who want to generate a stronger signal for their cell phone, but might be intimidated by the use of cell phone signal booster. I think installation looks daunting as does maintenance. However, as these videos show, the devices are a lot more user-friendly than you might expect.

    Red Loomis on
  • This baby looks pretty powerful and it doesn’t appear to take up too much space. I can see a business setting one up without having to worry about office space, always a concern whether you rent or own your building. I like the way the cell phone signal booster looks. It gives any office a modern look and does not stand out except to let clients know you run a modern office, not an antiquated one using rotary phones.

    Bob D'Acosta on

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