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Downlink Power: SureCall Fusion 5X 2.0 vs Wilson Pro 70/+, 1000

Per specifications provided by the respective cell phone signal booster manufacturer, Downlink Power Comparison between SureCall Fusion 5X 2.0 versus Wilson Pro 70 / Plus and Pro 1000 shows Fusion5X 2.0 has more Downlink Power than the WilsonPro 70 in all 5 bands and the Wilson Pro 1000 in 3 out of 5 bands. If PDF does not load above, please re-load this page 2-3 times and it should load fine.

Please note: The Wilson Pro 70 Plus not shown in chart offers 12 dBm downlink output power which is slightly better than base model Wilson Pro 70, but it is still lower than Fusion5X 2.0. Therefore, SureCall's signal booster gives higher value proposition over the more expensive / underperforming competitors. Please wait, PDF should load in few seconds if not loaded already. If the PDF file does not display above, please refresh browser page again or check to ensure your browser supports PDF files.