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CKC Labs Test of SureCall Fusion2Go 3.0 vs weBoost Drive 4G-X

The following is a report by a 3rd party independent testing company proving higher effectiveness of SureCall Fusion2Go 3.0 vehicle cell signal booster versus weBoost Drive 4G-X.

CKC Labs Test Report of SureCall Fusion2Go 3.0 versus weBoost Drive 4G-X. Please wait, PDF should load right on top in just a few seconds, if not loaded already. If the PDF file does not display above, please check to ensure your browser supports PDF files.

If no PDF viewing solution is available, please visit SureCall Fusion To Go 3.0 Car and Truck Signal Booster product listing page for more details and information about it.

Field Test Video Comparing Fusion2Go 3.0 vs. Drive 4G-X Side by Side.

The following video shows field test comparison between how SureCall Fusion2Go 3.0 performed versus how weBoost Drive 4GX (SKU 470510) performed. In all fairness, please note that unlike report of unbiased 3rd party test provided above by CKC Labs, the following video was provided to us directly by SureCall. Strictly as a matter of opinion by, SureCall is a very reputable manufacturer and we do not have any reason to question its findings of SureCall's Fusion2Go 3.0 product superiority when compared to weBoosts's Drive 4G-X in the following video - especially after thorough examination of the 3rd party proof displayed above in Portable Document Format (PDF) form by our technical support team.