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Active DAS vs. Passive DAS (aka. Signal Booster)

Apr 18, 2017

SureCall Industrial and Commercial Cell Phone Signal Boosters are Passive Distributed Antenna Systems (Passive DAS). What is the difference between these and Active Distributed Antenna Systems (Active DAS)?

Passive DAS is a more economical alternative to Active DAS and the typical timeline is shorter than an Active DAS.

Distributed Antenna Systems (AKA.: Active DAS)
250,000 square feet
Cell Phone Signal Boosters (AKA.: Passive DAS)
250,000 square feet
Typical cost range
$375,000 to $1,000,000
$87,500 to $150,000
Typical install timeline
6 to 18 months
1 to 2 weeks

How Signal Boosters (Passive DAS Systems) Work:

How Signal Boosters (Passive DAS Systems) Work.

Rising Demand For Reliable Cellular Connectivity In Commercial Buildings.

With the surging demand for constant connectivity, the need for reliable cellular service inside commercial buildings has grown dramatically. As we move towards a cord-free lifestyle, business communication is being conducted on cell phones more than ever before. SureCall signal boosters enhance internal communications with reliable in-building connectivity and constant up-time for voice, 4G LTE data, Wi-Fi, and public safety communications inside buildings up to 100,000 square feet and beyond. Learn more about SureCall's commercial-grade boosters.

The Performance Leader of Signal Boosters.

SureCall is the multi-patented leader in signal booster technology, offering a large selection and high performing boosters available on the market today. SureCall signal boosters are designed for all types of buildings and applications, including: commercial, academic, municipal, government and hospitality. SureCall commercial-grade boosters increase in-building signal strength for all carriers in North America, including AT&T, Verizon, US Cellular, Sprint and T-Mobile.
SureCall Signal Boosters.

SureCall Systems Offer:

  • Long Term Reliability and Durability.
  • Industry-Leading Design & Manufacturing Practices.
  • Robust Commercial Grade Components.
  • Sentry Remote Monitoring for Off-Site Control.
  • FCC-Approved Booster Systems.
  • US-Based Support and System Design Services.
  • Industry-Leading 3 Year Warranty.

Force5: Celluar Signal Booster for Large Buildings

Force5 is a complete enterprise solution available with multiple kitting options, offering the flexibility to customize the install for any floor plan or building. Multiple Force-5 systems can be deployed to cover areas 100,000 square feet or more.
  • Enhances Coverage in Buildings 25,000+ Sq. Ft.
  • Increases Signal Strength for All Carriers & Devices.
  • Improves Voice, Text and 4G LTE Data Signals.
  • Supports 100+ Simultaneous Users.
  • Reduces Dropped Calls and Improves LTE Data Speed.
  • VoLTE Certified.
SureCall Force 5 Commercial Signal Boosters.

Recent Case Studies:

Signal Boosters for NASA.
Signal Booster for Hotel.
Signal Boosters for Fire Department.
Signal Booster for Church.
SureCall Solves NASA's In-Building Signal Issues.
SureCall Force5 Enhances Coverage at Charlotte Westin Hotel.
SureCall Force5 Solves Cellular Coverage Issues For Guilford Fire Dept.
Perimeter Mega Church makes a SureCall with their boosted cell reception.
Connect With Us!
At, we are always looking to connect with cellular carriers, government agencies, contractors, integrators, VAR's and solution providers. Read more about us, request DAS installation service, or simply reach out to us so we can help you and/or your customers stay connected with DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems).

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  • I know that you absolutely need active DAS in some situations, but if you don’t passive DAS has to be an attractive alternative for any business that has issues getting a strong cell phone signal. The cost benefits and quick installation time are markedly different than active DAS.

    Henry Barksdale II on
  • I hope business owners either read these blogs or have good IT people who keep up on ways to increase their building’s cell phone signals. There seem to be different options between active DAS and passive DAS, then you have the factor of the cell phone booster added in. Hope people are doing their homework so they can maximize the power of their cell phones.

    Paul Bennett on
  • I couldn’t believe some of those figures for active DAS. Looks like a substantial savings if you install a passive system. Commercial outfits looking how to improve cell phone signal strength probably don’t have the extra money for an active system. However, what true advantages are there in putting in an active system? Seems like a bit of extravagant spending.

    Rodney Allen on

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