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SureCall Fusion2Go Series New & Refurbished Kits

Largest selection of SureCall Fusion2Go series new and refurbished kits in stock.

Compare Max vs. 3.0 vs. 2.0 Differences:

Fusion2Go Max Uplink Power: Up to 29.0 dBm with Extended Range Technology (ERT) - Great all around for city, highway, and extremely rural / remote areas.
Fusion2Go 3.0 Uplink Power: Up to 29.0 dBm - Great for reception in city as well as on highways, etc. where cell towers are very far apart.
Fusion2Go 2.0 Uplink Power: Up to 21.2 dBm - Great for city driving with buildings, trees, etc. blocking signals.

All kits come with 60 days refund guarantee. New kits have 3 yr. manufacturer warranty. Renewed or refurbished kits have 1 yr. manufacturer warranty.