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Mojave Desert Resident Uses zBoost to Eliminate Dead Zone in His Home

Aug 18, 2017

Mojave Desert Resident Uses zBoost to Eliminate Dead Zone in His Home

A Case Study.

Mojave Desert, California resident installed the zBoost SOHO cell phone signal booster eliminating dead zone and unusable weak cell phone signal in most places of the house.

Customer Details.

The indoor cell phone signal coverage stood at a low of between -109 and -113 dBm and a high of between -101 and 102 dBm. This is very, very, very weak signal indeed. Lots of indoor locations were dead zones with unusable levels of cell coverage. A solution was badly needed to stabilise the signal and spread a reliable voice and data cell phone signal across the entire home.

Major Concern.

Install a cell phone signal booster capable of eliminating all pockets of dead zones in the home and spread a quality signal across the home for better calls and data transmission.

Proposed Solution.

The zBoost SOHO cell phone booster was proposed. It is perfect for multiple users, supports all types of mobile devices and works with virtually all carriers in the U.S. The resident tested for the best place to mount the signal antenna in dB mode. As soon as the zBoost cellular repeater was installed, the retired telecommunications technician was ready to enjoy the best coverage ever inside his home!

About The Mojave Desert Resident.

After retiring from a telecom technician job in the Mojave Desert area in California, he was perturbed by the inconsistent signal in his home due to dead zones.

About zBoost.

For over 10 years and counting, zBoost has been offering cell phone signal boosters for use in homes, vehicles and businesses across North America. The acclaimed cellular signal amplifiers are of the highest standard and do not interfere with the platform of the carrier.

Post Installation Results.

  • Cell phone signal improved considerably.
  • Worst signal in the entire home is now -95 dBm with full 5 bars at times.
  • No more dead zone.


Are you having similar complications with your home & business voice and data reception? is a zBoost’s authorized dealer, retailer and installer. Provide your contact information and needs for the most ideal system to be designed for you. The quote provided will include equipment cost and installation fee.


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  • Zboost isn’t a name I’ve heard when it comes to cell phone boosters, but it sounds like this gentleman’s cell phone signal problems were solved by installing it. I can’t say I’m surprised he had troubles getting strong signals out in the desert. It would seem that any remote area would have considerable cause for concern in terms of being far from cell towers. I’m not sure what the Mojave Desert’s terrain is like, but it could be a problem too.

    Libby Hutton on
  • Unless you’re Wile E. Coyote and you spend all your time chasing the Road Runner, I imagine you want to have a strong signal for your cell phone when you live in the desert. It was compelling to read this person’s story about how ZBoost eliminated the dead zones in their home. Frankly, I wasn’t sure if they could even get a signal, but from what I know about cell phone boosters, there must be a signal for them to work. As long as there is a signal (even a weak one), a cell phone booster will help you get the best signal in rural areas (and it doesn’t get any more rural than the Mojave Desert). ZBoost did the trick here so I’m confident it will help me get strong cell phone coverage in my home.

    Todd Edwards on
  • Driving through the desert makes me think of a broken down car with no one around for 100 miles and the vultures circling your car. I’d feel a lot better knowing I can call out if needed. Yes, it might sound like a prepper fantasy, but if you know how to increase your cell phone signal strength, why wouldn’t you invest in one? I know I’m going to.

    Jim Orwell on
  • It’s hard to think of many places more remote than the desert in terms of cell phone coverage. It must be frustrating being somewhere isolated and not able to use your cell phone. This ZBoost sounds like a great tool to have. I’ve thought about moving out somewhere rural but cell phone usage has come up as a concern. That’s no longer an issue.

    Morgan Matthews on

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